Congratulations to all children and adults who passed their grading recently. Everyone showed a high spirit during their grading.
Kipp Worsley - 7th Kyu
SENIOR 8th Kyu (Red Belt)
Bowie Chen
SENIOR 7th Kyu (Orange Belt)
Jericho Choo Zheng Jie
Kerryn Ng Jin Xuan
SENIOR 6th Kyu (Yellow Belt)
Asakura Yoichi
SENIOR 5th Kyu (Green Belt)
Cora Cheung Ho Sai
JUNIOR 8th Kyu (Red Belt)
Raven Chew
Ruben Chew
Keita Rietig
JUNIOR 7th Kyu (Yellow Belt)
Kathlyn Srinivasan
Dylan Leahy
Chan Ning Carmel
Chan Jun Ariel
Graded By :
Ramlan Ortega Sensei
Emma Idzura Sensei
Kelvin Kong Sensei